Senior year was definitely the highlight of my time at SU (as it should be, I suppose). Four of us (technically 5, but for all intensive purposes 4-I will not be rude here) lived in a house and pretty much had a blast all year. Looking back it seems we were rather rowdy but I don't think you would ever know it from meeting any of us. In the first picture, I'm putting the boots to the busted chair while Jeremy Weishaar drops the big elbow. In the next, Steve shows the wooden chair not to screw with him again!

This next photo continues the theme of "love" that pervaded at 855 Ackerman that year. Steve and Jeff had this hugging ritual. It was real touching and emotional. We were so close, almost like brothers. Soon after this photo was taken, Jeremy did a complete Superfly dive off of the dishwasher and Jeff squirted a whole bottle of mustard into Steve's food cabinet. That ended the evening's fun. Like BROTHERS, I say!

Next, we're sharing a laugh over a cartoon Steve drew. We would draw comics and put them on the wall. This one was entitled "Babysitting Ain't Easy" and shows Steve holding Jeff and Jeremy in each arm, nursing them like babies. The final is a picture taken late in the year. Jeremy and Steve are currently in NYC. Jeff is in San Francisco. I am in...uh...CNY. Was there someone else that lived there? I don't remember.

The following two pictures were from grad school. The first is a band that I sat in with a few times, The Douglas Leader Orchestra. I got to know them through Jeff, who worked with them pretty regularly. We are playing at Faegans. The next is of a project some of us started called GRADE (Generating Resources for the Advancement and Development of Education). We presented our finding at VisionFair '98. Pictured from left to right are Scott Stamper (now in NYC), me, Vinny "The Intern" Rogers (finishing up at SU), Jeff, and Josh Hummert (now in Madison, WI).

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